Initial drill for implantology “Feroce”

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Initial drill for implantology “Feroce”

The Feroce drill is a lance-shaped, surgical-grade steel bur specifically designed to facilitate the preparation of implant tunnels. Its lance-like shape ensures efficient and accurate initial drilling for implant sites.

La speciale geometria della punta conferisce un’angolazione tale da consentire alla fresa di penetrare con estrema facilità anche nel tessuto osseo con elevata densità.

The Feroce drills guarantee a quick and precise cut, maintaining optimal balance and elasticity for the initial preparation of the implant site, even in the presence of D1 bones.

They are available with a CAL shaft

marcature di profondità a 7; 8,5; 10; 11,5; 13 mm

Diameter: ⌀ 023

Gambo / Shank



Blister 12 pcs., Blister 3 pcs., Blister 6 pcs.

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